Sunday, June 21, 2015

Uses and side effects of Conape 2mg tablets

Conape® is a brand name of the generic drug Perindopril. It is a prescription only ACE inhibitor. This drug is commonly prescribed in hypertension, heart failure and heart attacks. Conape dilates arteries and reduces blood pressure by a complex mechanism.  It also reduces the workload of the heart. Reduced workload of the heart prevents future heart attacks. 

What are the common side effects?

Dry cough is the most troublesome side effect. Changing to a drug like Lorsatan (Corsaar®) (Angiotensine receptor blocker) can alleviate this side effect. Serum potassium levels can go up with this medication. So the doctor may check patient’s electrolyte levels in the blood before starting Conape.

Certain patients can get dizziness and low blood pressure. Gastro intestinal disturbances like nausea and vomiting are also common side effects.  This drug is a potent antihypertensive, so patient can get faintishness especially in the first few days of the treatment. Muscle cramps are common with this drug. It is usually caused by electrolyte imbalance.

What are the serious side effects?

 Very few patients can get an allergic reaction to this medication. Sometimes it can lead to an anaphylactic shock. This is characterized by wide spread hives, chest tightness, low blood pressure, shortness of breath and pallor. Patient should stop the medication and seek immediate medical help.

What are the uncommon side effects?

Chest pain, edema, flatulence, nervousness, depression, sleep problems, blurred vision, impotence and back pain are relatively uncommon side effects. Other less common side effects include reduced white cell counts, pancreatitis, cardiac rhythm abnormalities, headache and dizziness.

Few patients may get shortness of breath and muscle/joint pains with this medication. This medication is also known to cause upper respiratory tract infections in certain patients.

What the doctor should know before prescribing Conape?

Before starting this medication doctor should know patient’s complete medical history, including over the counter medication he/she is on. If the patient has following conditions then he/she must discuss with the doctor before taking Conape.

1.     Bilateral renal artery stenosis
2.     Heart disease called Aortic or Mitral valve stenosis
3.     Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
4.     Liver diseases

What about pregnancy and breast feeding?

 If the patient is pregnant or nursing, doctor will not prescribe Conape. Taking Conape in a pregnancy can harm the unborn baby.

What are the things patient should know before taking Conape?

Do not take over the counter NSAID pain killers such as Diclofenac sodium, Brufen without consulting your doctor. This medication should be taken as a whole with full glass of water and it should not be crushed to minimize side effects. Conape can be taken with or without meals. This medication should also be taken strictly as instructed. Do not share this medication with anyone. Keep this medication out of reach of children.

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